
30 October 2013

Passeport pour la Francophonie


I've just found this very exciting interactive website called Passeport pour la Francophonie which you can use at the start of the year, on the international day of 'Francophonie' or at any other time of the year!

Once you've clicked on a country (France, Egypt, Gabon, Madagascar or Polynesia), you are taken to a series of activities related to the country chosen, from vocabulary lists (with sound to practise pronunciation) to stories, videos and challenges, with supporting materials and guidance on how to use them. A great way of raising cultural awareness wilst having fun!

Hope you and your pupils enjoy this!

29 October 2013

Welcome to my Blog!

Hello everyone and welcome to my new blog!

Today I want to talk to you about my little addiction to My Little Paris. Apart from the fact that the illustrations are simply beautiful, the site has some very good 'insolite' stories and articles which I regularly pin and share with my pupils. I also LOVE My Little Radio, which is a list of playlists (English and French tracks) for every situation... To listen to with or without pupils around! You'll need to sign up to DEEZER to listen to the tracks.

Have a nice day!