
09 November 2014

Sunday Scoop!

Today, I am linking with the Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop. So here's my scoop for today and this coming week:

Don't forget to visit the Teaching Trio to see what other bloggers are up to this week (click on the image below!)


  1. Going to work on weekends?? No fun! I also plan to work on some TpT products this week. Here's hoping we're both successful!!!
    On the Go Teacher Mama

    1. Yes Suzy, I work in a full boarding school so we have to work at weekends quite regularly...

  2. Weekends? Oh no! That is terrible. Everyone needs a break- I hope you get yours soon!

    I'm a new follower, I found you through the Sunday Scoop link up!

    Caffeine and Lesson Plans

    1. Hi Mandy, thanks for following me! Yesterday was pretty relaxed actually with barbecue lunch and evening chapel, so I got a chance to have a late breakfast with my girls :)

  3. I love your products at TPT! I don't teach French, but boy are they cute!! Some great ideas for language learning activities! I often work with students learning English as a Second Language -- some of your products would be awesome in English, too.

    1. I really need to start making resources for ESL then ;D It's been on my to-do list for a while, but not having a personal computer for two months has really slowed down everything... But you've just motivated me to start translating all the resources I've already created, which would be a start :)
      Thanks for leaving a comment!

  4. Oh lucky you! Half day and a special lunch on Wednesday. :) Sounds like a great time. I just thought I should mention I took two years of French in college and I so totally wish that I remembered more of it! We do "French Friday" (yes I know it sounds like the food) in my classroom and we learn 4 words. My 4th graders look forward to Friday each week because of this! :) It is such a beautiful language. Thank you so much for linking up and I hope that you have a great week and enjoy your Wednesday!

    Funky in Fourth
    Teaching Trio

    1. WoW! I love that you're teaching your kids a few French words each week, that's wonderful! Welcome to the Teaching Trio :) I am enjoying linking up every week. It's so much fun talking to other bloggers and sharing ideas! I've also discovered so many wonderful blogs through your linkies!

      Thanks for leaving your comment :)

  5. going to work on weekends! That is no fun at all! I am glad to hear that you get a day to enjoy lunch out!

    A LoveLi Class

    1. Teaching couples get the same half day so I'll be having lunch with my husband :) These half days have ended up being catching up afternoons for the most part so we really need to go out this Wednesday!

      Thank you so much for reading my post & commenting :)

  6. Your HAVE tos do not sound fun! Hope you managed to get the making and preparation done and enjoy your time off. We're teaching some basic french this term to our infant children - I'll have to check out your store!
    Growing Little Learners

    1. I hope you're enjoying teaching some French to your kids! Still working through my to-dos :/
      Thanks for stopping by & leaving a comment :)
