
13 December 2014

Currently December

I am late joining the party!

Here is my currently for this month... all the way from the beautiful Kenyan coast:

Everything has an end... Tomorrow, we have to pack and go home. But for now, I get to spend one more day in this beautiful place, eating delicious food :)

I am really excited about joining my first giveaway! Michelle from Michelle Dupuis Education is hosting her first giveaway and I am offering one of my most recent resource:

There are 4 bundes: two K-2 bundles, one 3-6 bundle and one French bundle! Click on the image below to enter any of Michelle Dupuis' giveaways:)

And don't forget to check out other bloggers' currently posts by clicking on the image below:


  1. Hi found your blog on Farley's currently as your are two links before me. I think it's so cool that you got to teach French in Kenya and what a beautiful picture. Where's home? TeacherMsH~ThirdIstheWord

    1. Hi Julie! I'm originally from the north of France... Definitely not as exotic as where I live now!
      Glad you stopped by and left a comment... You've just reminded me I've got to do the same :P
