
05 January 2015

My New Year's Resolutions for 2015

I am linking up with Mrs D. from The Third Wheel for her New Year's Resolutions linky party. To be perfectly honest, I am not the best at keeping up with resolutions, but I feel I should at least try to start the year with some goals!

Home: Get a better home / work balance
Last year, my husband and I were very good at having some 'marriage time' at least once a week, making time for each other and go for a walk or a meal, or just sit and chat, with no children around. This academic year has not been so successful! So I think this will have to be our joint resolution!

Work: Update the French schemes of work & assessment plans
I've been the main French teacher at my school for over 4 years and a lot has changed, particularly in the way children are assessed. However, I haven't updated my plans for ages and now need to rewrite the long-term, short-term and assessment plans for most year groups! It's going to be a busy year!

Health: Get out more!
We are so lucky to live in a non-polluted, healthy environment and I need to appreciate it and spend more time outdoors! I definitely don't spend enough time outside :( The rainy season is now over, so I have no excuses to stay indoors now!

TpT: Create more regularly
I have created new products quite regularly lately and I am keen to try and keep this going! I recently uploaded product #21, which means my store now has 2 pages of products!!! I am really hoping that I can at least create one new product every month, and perhaps one or two products every school break, depending on how long the holidays are! I also have old products (some of which are currently inactive!) which need a little updating... Not to mention 10 years worth of Word document files which are hibernating on my hard drive, waiting for a well needed makeover...

Blog: Plan my blog posts!
I need to be more organised and start using a Blog/TpT planner to jot down ideas... I think I know how to spend some of my next TpT payout money ;) Michelle's HELLO Planner has been on my wishlist far too long... And it's currently half price :D

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for linking up! I love your goal to get outside more. I am trying to do the same thing. My 2 year old is finally big enough to play at the park by our house so maybe I will actually achieve more outside time this year. Wishing you the best of luck on your resolutions. You can totally do it! Be sure to check back in on February 1st to let us know how you are doing!!

    Mrs. D
    The Third Wheel
