

Hi and welcome to my blog!

My name is Naïma and I am a French-Moroccan, born in the North of France, who lived in the UK for 11 years before living in Kenya for the past 4 years!

I started my teaching career 14 years ago and have worked in VERY different schools: state comprehensive as well as public, single-sex as well as mixed, primary as well as secondary! I currently work as a Head of French for a British International school set in the beautiful Rift Valley, Kenya and I can honestly say that the children here are the best students I've EVER taught!

Coming to this country was pure coincidence as neither my husband or I had ever visited this country before! One afternoon, a friend asked us to look at a job advert for him and the job vacancies for our current school happened to be listed underneath on the same website! We sold every piece of furniture, packed our lives into 11 suitcases and 22 boxes and have enjoyed every minute of it since!

I feel very blessed to have a wonderful husband, as well as two gorgeous daughters who are growing way too fast!

Thank you so much for stopping by and reading a little bit about me! I hope you find something you like and want to use it in your own classroom or lessons, or just share it with your colleagues :)


  1. Hello I am trying to download your speaking French freebie punch card and the URL is no longer available? Can you email that to me please and thank you!

    1. Hi Sara! Thank you for letting me know about the invalid URL. I have now resolved the issue, if you click on the image it should take you to the download page :)
