
31 December 2014

FRENCH New Year QR Codes Writing Prompts

Here is the new QR Code addition to my TpT store, in time for the new year:

Click on any of the images below to view this product :)

This resource contains 32 QR Code task cards with a New Year theme. Each task card sends the student to a writing prompt such as the ones you can see on the picture below:

I have also included a QR Codes sheet, writing paper with QR codes, and a separate file with all writing prompts to use as flashcards!

This product is half price for the first 48 hours so grab it fast!

Enjoy New Year's Eve!

21 December 2014

Sunday Scoop!

Time for the Sunday Scoop!
I love it when my have to dos could be happy to dos :)

Check out other bloggers' scoops by clicking on the image below:

As this is the last Sunday Scoop before Christmas, have a wonderful Christmas! Hope you will have a very special time :)

19 December 2014

Early New Year Resolution and a New Product Update!

One of the things I promised myself before selling on TpT was that I would not spend more on TpT than I earned from my sales. So far, I have done very well at not spending any more (or less!) than my earnings, mostly buying clip arts and fonts. This month, I decided to stop spending all my TpT earnings and used up all of last month's payout to upgrade my account to Premium. Frankly, I have no idea what took me SO long to make that step!!! On top of earning far more from my product sales, I am more motivated to create new resources and get things done! Luckily for me, this month is full of really cute clip art freebies and I had previously bought a couple of memberships which will start very soon... so I'm holding on!

I've just uploaded a new winter product on my store which is currently half price so grab it fast! It's a really cute set of 32 writing prompts. You can view it by clicking on the image below:

18 December 2014

100 TpT Followers *FREEBIE*!

I have just achieved my first milestone as a TpT seller, with 100+ people now following my store! Even though I have been on TpT for just over 2 years, I only started to look after my store this year so I am over the moon that my work is already starting to pay off! LOVE creating resources and am delighted that people are following me and buying my products! I really wish I had enough time to create more products and, to be perfectly honest, being such a procrastinator really does not help in any way! Any great tips are warmly welcome!!!

I hope you will enjoy my thank you gift to celebrate this little achievement. Simply click on the image below to download the file from my TpT store:

13 December 2014

Currently December

I am late joining the party!

Here is my currently for this month... all the way from the beautiful Kenyan coast:

Everything has an end... Tomorrow, we have to pack and go home. But for now, I get to spend one more day in this beautiful place, eating delicious food :)

I am really excited about joining my first giveaway! Michelle from Michelle Dupuis Education is hosting her first giveaway and I am offering one of my most recent resource:

There are 4 bundes: two K-2 bundles, one 3-6 bundle and one French bundle! Click on the image below to enter any of Michelle Dupuis' giveaways:)

And don't forget to check out other bloggers' currently posts by clicking on the image below:

01 December 2014

*FREEBIE* Update: French Winter Writing Activity Set

I've just updated my French Winter Writing Freebie for this year! You can download it from my TpT store by simply clicking on the image below:

This Freebie includes three writing activities to use after Christmas:

This resource was my collaboration to last year's very popular French Winter Tips & Freebies e-Book. If you didn't know about this resource and would like to take a look at the other 20 FREE teacher-authors' creations, click on the image below:

Enjoy :D


Time for some serious Christmas shopping at TpT!!! Make sure you grab a few of these products that have been on your wishlist for a while!
I am having a mega sale and offering 20% off all my products! AND... with the promo code TPTCYBER, you get an extra 10% off your entire order!
And that's not all! I have just uploaded two new Christmas-themed resources which are currently 50% off and you can get another 10% off by using the same promo code!

Here's a quick peek at these new babies:

This product is still 50% off for the next few hours so head over to my store to take a closer look!

QR codes are everywhere at the moment, but there aren't many French QR code activities available so I decided to figure out how to create QR code activities myself! This resource practises the French Christmas vocabulary and I love it because each QR code card includes both an audio QR code and another QR code which sends the child to a flashcard with picture & words such as this one:

The children can hear, pronounce, read and attempt to write the words!
I have also added a scavenger hunt to the pack for more whole class fun :)

And here's my second new product:

Michelle's graphics (from The 3am Teacher) are just delightful and I am in love with my 3 new sets of clip arts which I recently purchased from her store! This Christmas calendar is 50% off for another 24 hours and includes the days of the week (2 styles), number cards 1-31 (3 different backgrounds to mix & match :) ), Aujourd'hui c'est/Hier c'était/Demain ce sera cards, Automne/Hiver/décembre cards and a blank set of cards for each background :)

Happy cyber shopping :D

30 November 2014

Sunday Scoop!

♪ It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas ♫ ♫
I only have one more week of school and cannot wait for my very long 4 WEEK holiday break!!!
Christmas is the hottest time here in Kenya so this means beach holidays, warm weather and outdoor living!!! Although it doesn't look quite like that yet, but I'm hoping the rainy season will be over soon!
Anyway, I'm linking again with the Teaching Trio for this week's Sunday Scoop. Here's my scoop for this coming week:
I dos could be worse! Don't forget to go back to check out what other bloggers are up to by clicking on the image below:
Have a wonderful week :D

23 November 2014

Sunday Scoop!

It's already time to link up with the Teaching Trio for their fun Sunday Scoop! Here's what I'm up to today and this coming week:

Click on the image below to check out other bloggers' scoops:

20 November 2014

Tech Thursday: How to Add a Floating Facebook Tab to your Blog!

Today I am linking with the fabulous Teaching Trio for their Technology Thursday linky!

I have just added a floating Facebook tab to my blog and thought some of you may want to know how to do this :)

1. Log into your blogger account

2. Go to Layout --> Add a Gadget (ensure you add a gadget to your right sidebar)

3. Select HTML/Javascript

4. Copy the following code, replacing the facebook address highlighted in pink with your own:

<script src="" type="text/javascript">

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {$(".floatinglikebox").hover(function() {$(this).stop().animate({right: "0"}, "medium");}, function() {$(this).stop().animate({right: "-250"}, "medium");}, 500);});
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.floatinglikebox div{border:none;position:relative;display:block;}
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href=;width=251&amp;height=270&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;show_faces=true&amp;border_color=%23cccccc&amp;stream=false&amp;header=false&amp;" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:251px; height:270px; background:#fff;" allowtransparency="true">

The standard tab comes with a blue background. However, you can create your own tab (41x136px), save your image on photobucket or similar and replace the above image link highlighted in blue with your own image link :)

Enjoy your floating facebook tab and don't forget to check out other bloggers' tech tips by clicking on the button below:

16 November 2014

Sunday Scoop!

Here I am linking with the Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop. So here's my scoop for today and this coming week:

I cannot wait til next weekend to spend some quality time as a family! It will be our first weekend off in 3 weeks and it's my birthday :) I am looking forward to some lazy time by the pool, the best breakfast EVER and a bit of city life!

Don't forget to visit the Teaching Trio to see what other bloggers are up to this week (click on the image below!)

13 November 2014

Tech Thursday: Birds Dessinés

I am linking again with the Teaching Trio for their weekly Technology Thursday linky.

Today, I am sharing a FREE website called Birds Dessinés where you can create bird comic strips like this one:
Ericiel Dubois

It is incredibly easy to use: simply drag the bird(s) you want to use, add speech bubbles and enter your text! Once you're done, you can download your comic as a picture.

Although it is a French website, you can create your bird comic strip in any language :)

Click on the image below to start creating your first bird comic strip:

 Thanks for reading and don't forget to check out other bloggers' tech tips by clicking on the button below:

09 November 2014

Sunday Scoop!

Today, I am linking with the Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop. So here's my scoop for today and this coming week:

Don't forget to visit the Teaching Trio to see what other bloggers are up to this week (click on the image below!)

Daily Routine Unit

My Daily Routine Unit has everything you need to teach this topic to your pupils. It contains flashcards, games & activities for fun & lively lessons!

This pack includes:
17 half-size fashcards
1 set of 18 dominoes
6 speaking dice with accompanying worksheets
J'ai...Qui a? game
Sentence builders
7 page mini book
1 reading & writing task
1 writing task

Take a peek:

Click on the image below to view this product on my TpT store

08 November 2014

Paris ZiZag

I love everything about Paris: the big boulevards, the beautiful buildings, the chic boutiques, the boat rides on the river Seine, the best croissants EVER... Needless to say that every time I see something interesting about Paris, I have to share it with my pupils!
ZigZag is a great website about bars, restaurants, hotels, culture and secret parts of Paris to discover. This latter section is really captivating and can be used in a multitude of ways. The posts are usually quite short, perfect for comprehension work. There is also a smaller English section, which is great for less advanced learners. Children will discover hidden, 'insolite' parts of Paris they (and even you) have never heard of!
Click on the picture to access the site

07 November 2014

*FREEBIE*: The Big 5 in French

Today I am sharing a FREE set of 5 posters to help children use present, past, future, opinions & justifications in their writing. 'The Big 5' refer to the top 5 animals to see on safari and, as my school is in Kenya, the children love naming these writing elements 'The Big 5 in French' and think it's a great way for them to remember what they should include in a good written piece. I fell in love with the beautiful set of animal print paper from Prettygrafik and, of course, I had to buy them! These posters also go really well with my Classroom Language Posters :)

I hope you can bring a bit of wild life into your classroom with these bright posters :)

Click on the image below to download your freebie :)

Have a great weekend!

06 November 2014

MYLO: A New Way to Learn Languages?

I am linking with the Teaching Trio for their Technology Thursday linky to share a FREE website to learn French, Spanish, German or Chinese.
This site is called MYLO and, although it is based on the British curriculum (the site was developed for UK's Department of Education), it is suitable for any young language learner. Tasks & activities are levelled from 1 being the easiest to 8 being the most challenging. The characters are cute geometric shapes:
The site has 2 main sections: I need the basics, which introduces vocabulary and provides plenty of practice, and I'd like a challenge, which gives children a fun project to work through such as designing a Football Kit or putting together a look for Paris Fashion Week :)
How it can be improved: I think it is a shame that the site does not provide any authentic materials apart from the audios. Although the graphics are cute, the characters could have been placed into more authentic looking settings... This said, I really like the I'd like a challenge section, which puts the language children have learnt into context.

Remember to check out other bloggers' posts by clicking on the button below:

03 November 2014

Classroom Tour!

On my earlier post, I mentioned that I was going to write a separate post about my classroom and, I know, it's a bit late for a classroom tour, but I never get tired of checking out other people's rooms, do you?!

Last year, I managed to persuade my school to build two brand new French classrooms & was allowed to choose all the furniture :) I actually designed my new desk & furniture along the back wall on the computer! As I moved in half way through the year, I didn't really have much in the room at first & didn't have time to make it my own either, so I spent some of the Summer holidays creating new displays and getting it ready for the new year... 

This is what my old classroom looked like:

And this is my new classroom:

I love my magazine shelf. Children enjoy flicking through the magazines & books I display and will notice straight away when I change the magazines and add new ones! Needless to say that, when the new magazine came with a Hunger Games cover, the children all got attracted to the back of the classroom like magnets!

I found the lovely labels on TpT. They're from Chalk & Apples. I'm such a font addict, I looked for the font until I found it! If you like this font, I got it from Kevin & Amanda's website and it's called Baby Boston :) As you can see, I adapted the original labels and made them a lot bigger... I like to be able to read all my labels from the front of the classroom!

The bright circles above my whiteboards are from my colourful Language Classroom Flashcards set. Click on the image below to find this set on my TpT store:

Close Ups:

My listening centre & writing displays

The hexagonal tables make it really easy to organise group activities & I always include my listening centre when I want my classes to work in groups. I usually have speaking, reading & simple writing activities going on and the 5th table plays a game on my iPad. I have to admit that I already had the headphones in my old classroom, but they stayed in the cupboard for months, unused, simply because I had no room and no sockets to create a listening centre... 

I love my Big 5 display and, if you like it too, you can grab it for FREE by clicking on the image below!

In the French exams my students sit, they need to be able to use present, past, future, opinions & justifications. So I came up with the Big 5 idea one lesson as I was trying to find a catchy way for my kids to remember the 5 elements. They loved the Big 5 idea and, when I saw the animal print papers from Prettygrafik, I just couldn't resist ;)

The 'words to include in my writing' pencil display was hugely inspired by the very popular freebie called 'What do Writers Write?' from The Teacher Wife. I adapted it and, as I didn't have a pencil clip art, I actually drew this one myself :)

Thanks for reading!